構成員最年少ながら、プロ音楽集団初期の1年半を音楽的に牽引する。しかし「純粋で尖っている」ことを信条としすぎていたあまり、当時の産業化した日本の音楽界に疑問を抱き、体制に取り込まれる前に自らの意志で脱退。人間界に帰化し渡米、日米混成メンバーからなるバンド『Cats In Boots』で世界デビューを果たす。
今では「音楽の中でだけ尖っていればいいや」という境地に達し、酒もタバコもやめてしまった。猫好き。彼が”人間の姿”で音楽活動する際は、ソロ活動の他に、アメリカ人ドラマー Stephen Jude Millsと共にTOSJMとしても活動をしている。また、魔暦13年より Ace元長官と共に災害被災者支援を目的としたライヴイヴェント”RISE”を企画、毎年開催している。彼がパーソナリティーを務める音楽紹介ラジオ番組『MIND-O-NATION』(エフエム豊橋)は、魔暦21年放送1000回を迎えた。
最近、自分の飼い猫の“ハーラ”を主人公とするYouTube Channelを開設した。またD.C.21年、第一子が誕生したことを世の中に公表した。
Holla Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPEesnffeP8CH-SWO63HkYA
*Empire Magistrate In Makai JAIL O’HASHI
Chief of Staff. Preceding the earth debut of SEIKIMA II, E.M.JAIL not only volunteered for his position, but was accepted because of his enthusiasm and talent as a guitarist. Although the youngest member of SEIKIMA II, in the one and a half years, he instigated many musical ideas and solidified the band’s sound. However, being a brutally honest person with very little tact, he became dissatisfied with the condition of the music scene. After fearing his own dissipation within said scene, he decided to leave the band. After naturalizing his status as human, he moved to the United States and formed the band, “Cats In Boots” made up of mixed members from Japan and the United States, and they debuted internationally. He decided that his brutality was best left in his music and not in his personal life. He stopped drinking and smoking. He is very fond of cats. When working in his "human form", the Empire Magistrate has also been in a unit called TOSJM with American drummer Stephen Jude Mills. The E.M. has been planning a live event, “RISE” with the aim of supporting disaster victims with the C.P. Ace since D.C. 13 and holding it every year. The music introduction radio program "FM Toyohashi: MIND-O-NATION" where he acts as a DJ reached 1,000 broadcasts in D.C.21.
He has recently been narrating his YouTube Channel “Holla” starring his cat as a protagonist. Also, he announced to the world that his first child was born in D.C.21.
Holla Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPEesnffeP8CH-SWO63HkYA